Supporting Life Transitions with Aspire of WNY’s Quality Partnership on Transition


What is Quality Partnership on Transition (QPT), and how did it start?
QPT, formerly known as the Student Adult Life Transition Services (SALTS) Committee, is one of the longest-standing committees at Aspire of WNY. The committee was initiated to support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) who were preparing to exit high school and were seeking adult services. ​In addition, the formation of this committee allowed for an internal focus on breaking down silos amongst the divisions of the agency providing services while ensuring work was not being duplicated. In 2023, the SALTS Committee became the Quality Partnership on Transition. Although the committee’s primary focus continues to be a student-to-adult life transition, the committee felt that in alignment with Aspire of WNY’s strategic plan, the greatest impact could be made by expanding the focus of the committee to providing resources, education, and support to individuals with IDD in all transitions across the life span.​

Who is QPT?
QPT comprises representatives from across the agency who directly or indirectly impact agency services related to transition. Currently, committee membership represents the following agency divisions: Communications, Center for Learning, Community & Independent Living Supports, Day Services, Clinical Services, and Leadership. The current co-chairs are Sarah Maciejewski, Director of Education, and Jenna Astridge, Director of Agency Outreach & Central Intake.

When and where is QPT?
The committee meets monthly, alternating in-person meetings at the Center for Learning and Virtual Meetings.

What are some of the things the committee works on?

  • Transition Times newsletter (this newsletter is developed by the committee and includes stories about transition, various resources including OPWDD and Care Coordination contact information, acronyms, and more.)
  • Agency Service Directory (this is an internal guide of the agency’s divisions and structure to support our workforce in knowing “who does what” within the agency)
  • Creating partnerships inside and outside of the agency to ensure individuals are maximizing their services and have access to all the resources they need to be successful
  • Sharing resources, outreach opportunities, and training
  • One of the committee’s goals is identifying creative ways to reach all stakeholders, including individuals, parents, Care Coordinators, school district personnel, the medical community, and other community organizations. The goal is to get access to individuals with I/DD as early as possible so they feel educated and empowered and can get the services and support they need at or near the time of diagnosis, not just after high school
    • One of the committee’s current projects is a subcommittee that is working to create Transition Toolkits for individuals with IDD’s major life transitions: birth to Early Intervention, Early Intervention to Preschool (CPSE), Preschool (CPSE) to School Age (CSE), School Age to Adult Life, and Retirement/End of Life.

Are you QPT? If you are an Aspire of WNY employee interested in joining the committee or have any questions, please email

If you are a community member or family member looking to receive more information on QPT, you can also email to connect and receive information. 

Stay tuned for future editions of Transition Times, and updates on other QPT projects.